This is a true labor of love and we are always looking to involve new leaders who share our passion for community building. If this sounds like you, please get in touch!

Join the Team!

The GenAI Collective is growing, and we need passionate, dedicated individuals to join our team! If you're excited about generative AI and want to help shape the future of our community, we have several roles where your talents can make a big impact. Explore the opportunities below and see how you can contribute to this vibrant community!


Slack Moderator

As a Slack Moderator, you will take our Slack community from 0 to 1. There is incredible opportunity to have a disproportionate impact on our online presence as we bridge our nationwide community on Slack. Your role will involve:

  • Crafting strategies to increase the value of our Slack channel to community members 

  • Facilitating engaging conversations and ensuring a welcoming environment.

  • Building out a moderation team to grow the community

If you’re a people person with a knack for fostering online communities, this role is perfect for you!

Newsletter Copywriter

Our newsletter is a crucial value add for our members and key to spreading our values, brand, and mission. We need a talented copywriter to make it shine. Your responsibilities will include:

  • Crafting engaging and informative content for our monthly newsletters.

  • Highlighting key events, updates, and stories within The GenAI Collective.

  • Keeping up with the latest trends and news in generative AI to share with our audience.

If you have a flair for writing and a passion for AI, we’d love to have you on board!

Demo Night Coordinator

Demo Nights are a cornerstone of The GenAI Collective, giving our community founders crucial visibility. As a Demo Night Coordinator, you will:

  • Organize and plan our demo night events, from concept to execution.

  • Coordinate with demoists to ensure they have everything they need.

  • Promote the events within and outside the community to attract a diverse audience.

  • Grow relationships with Demo Night sponsors and partners

If you’re detail-oriented and love bringing people together, this role is for you!

Partnerships Manager

Building strong partnerships is essential for the growth and sustainability of The GenAI Collective. As a Partnerships Manager, your role will involve:

  • Identifying and reaching out to potential partners and sponsors.

  • Developing and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders.

  • Negotiating partnership agreements and ensuring they align with our values and goals.

If you’re a strategic thinker with excellent networking skills, join us in this vital role!

Social Media Strategist

As a Social Media Strategist, you will be the voice of The GenAI Collective across various platforms. Your role will include:

  • Developing and implementing a comprehensive social media strategy to increase our online presence (Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Tiktok?!).

  • Creating and curating engaging content tailored to each platform.

  • Interacting with followers, responding to comments, and fostering community engagement.

If you’re savvy with social media and passionate about connecting with people, this role is for you!

Event Planner

Events are at the heart of The GenAI Collective, and we need a skilled Event Planner to make them extraordinary. Your responsibilities will involve:

  • Planning and executing both virtual and in-person events, including discussion sessions, hackathons, and research roundtables.

  • Being the face of The Collective for attendees

  • Managing event promotion to ensure high attendance and engagement.

  • Collaborating with speakers, sponsors, and volunteers to deliver seamless events.

If you’re organized, creative, and love orchestrating memorable experiences, we’d love to have you as part of our team!